Cultivating Self-Sovereignty & Freedom

4 min readSep 7, 2021

Over the past few months, the perception of what freedom means has begun to shift for many people around the world. For a long time, most people with the very best of intentions lived their lives, getting what they considered to be an “education” in order to get a “good paying” job so they may take care of themselves and their family. They also paid taxes to a government system that was supposed to take care of macro societal structures and institutions for the “public good”. With the roll out of the pandemic, many people around the world were slowly exposed to increasing restrictions on their movement, ability to earn a living and ultimately told to put something into their body or lose their job. Consequently, the perception of being free has shifted and more people are realizing no one can give them freedom or really take it away because it begins inside with having a sense of self-sovereignty. Freedom and Sovereignty are two sides of the same coin.

What is Self-Sovereignty & How did We Forget It?

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, Sovereignty is “A person, body or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested.” So having sovereignty over self means a person is the King or Queen over their own Kingdom (body, mind and soul). People with a strong sense of self sovereignty also are highly discerning. Over hundreds of years, societies of the world were developed within a fear based paradigm. By keeping once sovereign and discerning people in a low vibration of fear, they then became relatively dependent on someone or something else to take care of them and tell them what to do. People have begun to see this fear based paradigm and break through it. Exercising discernment when it comes to one’s own Kingdom or Sovereignty is key. It begins with questioning narratives and asking, cui bono? Who benefits? Unfortunately, many people are still so filled with fear, essentially because of an overarching societal power/control paradigm where all types of abuses occur and the subsequent traumas can be deeply instilled in people from the time they are born. How can someone become discerning and sovereign if they don’t respect or love themselves?

Start with Unconditional Love for Oneself

Before anyone can begin to feel they are a Sovereign Being, they must respect their Kingdom and feel dignified and worthy. In essence, possess unconditional love for oneself. Fortunately, developing unconditional love for oneself can be done with relatively simple techniques but must be done consistently as well as persistently. It can be an incredible journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Here are three suggestions:

Daily Meditation Practice

There are many benefits to meditation such as, reducing stress, reducing depression, increasing focus and memory, among others. If you are new to meditation begin by devoting just 10 minutes a day. Those 10 minutes can be incredibly beneficial. Also, there are many wonderful guided meditations freely available online if you are not sure how to start.

Daily Gratitude

Keeping a daily list or journal of at least 10 things one is grateful for helps improve self-esteem, create a sense of positivity, resiliency, reduce self-sabotage and can create an overall sense of happiness about one’s life. Russell Brand simply writes his list daily on a pad of paper but some like to keep a journal. Sometimes I make a mental gratitude list while driving. Whatever works for you is what is best for you.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations, especially ones that begin with I Am, can help change negative thought patterns to positive ones, boost self-confidence and influence one’s subconscious to override old negative beliefs by planting new positive ones. It is best if these affirmations are said when the brain is in a theta state. Children’s brains from birth until age 7 are naturally in a theta state, whereby they learn almost through absorbing what is going on in their environment and it gets programmed into their subconscious mind. Theta state is when the adult brain is just drifting off to sleep, just waking up or in a light meditative state. It is also helpful to place your hands on your heart chakra while stating the affirmations. Again, there are wonderful positive affirmation videos available online to help get you started.

Unconditional Love is a higher level of vibrational energy. We all fluctuate on a scale of energy but the key is to raise our basic energy level step by step so we can more easily access the higher ones.

Energy, emotions and the ability to discern are on a spectrum. If a person feels good about themselves most of the time, then that person can easily start discerning narratives and begin to truly become self- sovereign and free. Everything begins within oneself.

“As above, so below. As within, so without.” ~ Hermes Trismegistus


Levels of Energy by Frederick Dodson

The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton




“The Moon stays bright when she doesn’t avoid the night” ~Rumi